Monday 19 April 2010

My media product is done in a narrative setting, following a storyline created through the lyrics. This is a convention of real media products of this calibre, as there is three different types of music video: the narrative piece- which is where the video shows a story that is related to the lyrics, the performance piece- which is where the artist or band is seen perfoming their song by either singing the lyrics or playing instruments, and there is the artistic piece- where the video uses fancy special effects to create a video that is extremely visual and might seem random and not linked to the lyrics but has deeper meanings and connotations that link with the song. My music video therefore fits in with the conventions of a music video by being in the narrative element. the use of video transitions in my video creates a disjointed effect, giving a bit of an artsy feel to it.

Because the song isn't a typical song by my selected artist- or by most artists of this genre- the combination of the music video and the album cover in my eyes doesn't seem to go that well, but they both fit in with the artist in their own separate way. There is one piece of common ground between them though, as my album cover shows the idea behind the artist's name 'Switchy B'- showing that there's two sides to him, and the fact that he can switch between either his good and bad side depending on his mood. the music video shows the 'Yang' side of the album cover, representing the good. The combination in that case is quite effective as it isn't two-dimensional, it shows more than one side to the artist- which is a bit different to other grime artists, who's work tends to show them just being a 'badman' rather than showing a sensitive side.

As I wrote about in a previous post I didn't actually recieve any audience feedback as none of my friends on Facebook are an audience to the Grime genre, so i recieved no comments on my posting on Facebook. However, during my media lessons when I was creating the digipack and magazine advert, I did recieve comments from teachers and peers about how both of my products fitted well together, with an ongoing theme throughout.

A fair few media technologies were used during the whole process of creating my products, such as a Sony DV camcorder, Apple Macintosh computers and the Final Cut Pro software on them; Microsoft Windows PCs and the Adobe Photoshop Elements software on them and also this blogging website. The camcorder was simple enough to use with a straight forward push-to-record feature, and when accompanied with a tripod was a lot easier to keep still and capture much needed footage. It was the first time using Final Cut Pro on the Apple Macintosh computers, so to start it was quite complicated to get the hang of. But after some time experimenting with it, it became a breeze to use and before we knew it our video was complete. I have used Adobe Photoshop a lot previously as I do photography as another course, so it has become part of everyday life to me. for this reason, I suffered no problems or issues when I was using the software.

During the whole production of the music video we did encounter a few problems. For starters, there was major issues with the availability of people when it came to our initial film dates, so instead we had to work around everyone- to make sure we had who we needed when filming scenes. This pushed our film dates further into the year by quite a lot, but the problem was solved and we filmed everything we needed. Another problem was that when putting the video together, we came to realise that what we had as initial video idea actually didnt fit in with the lyrics of the song. I soved this problem however, by filming extra footage of the two main characters acting naturally together, which when looking at the footage a lot of it fit in with the theme of the video. Doing this pretty much saved the video as otherwise we would not have had enough footage to create it. There was another problem that was quite major in a sence, but it didnt effect me when filming and editing the video. This was a member of our group. the person was extremely uncooperative, only turned up for one video shoot, didnt help out with any of the editing, then turned up to help on the video deadline when we had already finished. If it wasn't for Stacey and I getting our heads down and cracking on with it, the video would have been a disaster. Overall though, I believe the finished product came out pretty well, and I had a lot of fun filming and editing it all together, so I am satisfied with the way everything turned out.